More Than Gamers NFT Mint

Hype meets NFT gaming.

More Than Gamers

10,000 Metaverse Gamer NFT Collection

More Than Gamers (MTG) is an extremely well hyped NFT project on the Ethereum blockchain. This is arguably the biggest mint since big brands Nike/RTFKT and the Adidas/Bored Ape Club partnerships sold out and saw prices skyrocket on secondary markets. Will MTG do the same? 

This project has less well known developers and a similar price point as the RTFKT and Adidas drops. But the art we've seen so far is amazing and if they're successful this could be a great metaverse launch. Let's get to what you need to know. 


The Basics

There's a lot going on with this project, so let's get to the details. 

  • What is being minted: 3D MTG characters for the "metaverse"

  • Mint date: December 23 at 1 p.m. ET for whitelist and December 24 at 1 p.m. ET for public sale

  • Mint price: 0.2 ETH (~$782)

  • Mint Quantity: 10,000

    • Whitelist includes 6,000 spots and people can mint multiple MTG NFTs

  • Project Info

    • Website:

    • Twitter:

      • 90,000+ followers

    • Instagram:

      • 22,600+ followers

    • Discord Channel:

      • 41,800+ members

  • Team: A group of esports professionals. Active on YouTube and Twitch promoting this project and interacting with the community.

    • TNA Kirsh - Founder/Owner

      • Twitter:

      • Instagram:

      • YouTube:

    • TNA Red - Founder/Owner

      • Twitter:

    • TFG - Marketing/Owner

      • Twitter:

    • NFT Hunter - Tech Development

      • Twitter:

    • Ali - Artist/Animation

      • Twitter:

    • 3seater.eth - Design

      • Twitter:

  • Utility

    • An MTG Battle station game is apparently in the works. There's no demo currently, but the the MTG website indicates it will be available "toward the end of this year".

  • Roadmap

    • MTG Battle Game

    • Token launch

    • Merchandise

  • Art

    • 3D characters intended for the metaverse. Unclear if a 3D file will be included in the mint.

  • Tokens

    • Arcada - 1,000 tokens will earn you the ability to battle royal elites of the MTG metaverse. Winning can earn you a chance at a rare NFT.

    • Lifeline - Keeps you alive in the metaverse.

The Twitter following is big. Source: Twitter.

Are you hyped? 

This is arguably one of the best hyped new NFT projects to hit the mint market in the last month. This team says it has over 20 million followers across a number of social media channels and have an active following. 

How much of that is hype and how much is real? It's tough to tell. 

There's a lot of promise for NFTs and 3D characters in the metaverse and gaming, but making that promise a reality is a big challenge. This team will likely have the following behind it, but there isn't enough disclosure or project development history to reasonably predict if they will succeed. 

What to watch for in the next 6 months

NFT projects often promise big visions and then fail to deliver. Here's what to watch in this project to ensure the team is in MTG for the long haul. 

  1. MTG Battle station game and launch of Arcada and Lifeline tokens

    1. "MTG Battle station game our holders will have the ability to stake their More than Gamer Characters in the battle lounge where they can earn valuable Arcada and Lifeline Tokens. Arcada Tokens will serve as an entryway for each Character to fight the royal elites of the MTG metaverse. Those royal elites have established themselves as the kings and queens of the metaverse. Once you have accumulated 1,000 tokens you will have earned the ability to battle the royal elites with a 25% chance of winning a 1/100 rare newly minted NFT. At the same time, Lifeline Tokens are required to remain alive in the metaverse, so your simultaneous goal is to collect them as well."

  2. MTG Merch

    1. Figurines - mid-2022

    2. Other merch eventually?

  3. Full IP rights to holders

  4. Animated series

  5. Buy land in Decentraland

Analysis and Scoring

We don't want to get rugged and if a project seems sketchy, we'll say so. 

This project has a lot going for it but a lot of questions about whether the team can deliver on its promises. If they can, this could be a home run. 


Judging NFTs is hard, but we hope to provide value by adding a score. Projects will get credit for having a real team, great art, big and active followings, utility, and of course community. This score will likely change over time, but for now it looks like this: 

  • Project Idea/Art: 9

    • The idea of buying a 3D character for the metaverse is amazing. And the art we've seen is top notch. What's lacking is a clear understanding of what kind of 3D asset buyers are getting and how they will use it now or in the future.

  • Project Team: 7

    • This is a team with lots of experience in the world of Twitch/YouTube/esports, so they're great at getting an audience. But there's not much detail about the team. No LinkedIn pages, no previous games developed, no resumes. These aren't anons, but they're not experienced game developers either, which is why I didn't rate this higher.

  • Mint Price/Quantity: 5

    • This is an expensive project on Ethereum right now, which is dealing with high gas costs. Projects minting in this price range have either gone crazy (RTFKT and Adidas/BAYC) or stalled recently and if momentum stalls this mint could be in trouble quickly. A big following on social media is great, but will 10,000 followers shell out ~$1,000 in ETH to throw into a relatively unknown project.

  • Community: 9

    • Large and growing fast. The community is so new that it doesn't deserve a 10 and it's hard to gauge what people are rallying around, but this team has the chops to build a big following and keep it engaged, so they get a nearly perfect score for that.

  • Roadmap: 5

    • Lacking in almost every respect. There's no game demo, no concrete plan for merchandise, and lots of unknowns. Given the team's inexperience in building games, it's not clear if they can deliver on the roadmap.

Scores will be given 1-10 and multiplied. Any zeros and the project gets a zero... 

Score: 14,175

  • 30,000 - 100,000: WAGMI

  • 10,000 - 30,000: Interesting

  • 5,000 - 10,000: Tread Lightly

  • Under 5,000: NGMI

This mint could be amazing and we could hear hype about MTG for months. But it could also be a more hype than substance from a young team that's spent more time playing video games competitively than building them for others to play. Time will tell what's real and what's not for MTG. 

Disclaimer: The NFT Project DOES NOT provide financial advice. All content is for informational purposes only. The NFT Project is not a registered investment, legal, or tax advisor or a broker/dealer. Trading any crypto-related asset is extremely risky and could result in significant capital losses.